Constraint-based Modelling of Organisations

Popova Viara, A. Sharpanskykh

Research output: Book / ReportReportAcademic

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Modern organisations are characterised by a great variety of forms and often involve many actors with diverse goals, performing a wide range of tasks in changing environmental conditions. Due to high complexity, mistakes and inconsistencies are not rare in organisations. To provide better insights into the organisational operation and to identify different types of organisational problems explicit specification of relations and rules, on which the structure and behaviour of an organisation are based, is required. Before it is used, the specification of an organisation should be checked for internal consistency and validity w.r.t. the domain. To this end, the paper introduces a framework for formal specification of constraints that ensure the correctness of organisational specifications. To verify the satisfaction of constraints, efficient and scalable algorithms have been developed and implemented. The application of the proposed approach is illustrated by a case study from the air traffic domain.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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