Contextual drive of neuronal responses in mouse V1 in the absence of feedforward input

Lisa Kirchberger, Sreedeep Mukherjee, Matthew W. Self, Pieter R. Roelfsema

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) respond to stimuli in their receptive field (RF), which is defined by the feedforward input from the retina. However, V1 neurons are also sensitive to contextual information outside their RF, even if the RF itself is unstimulated. Here, we examined the cortical circuits for V1 contextual responses to gray disks superimposed on different backgrounds. Contextual responses began late and were strongest in the feedback-recipient layers of V1. They differed between the three main classes of inhibitory neurons, with particularly strong contextual drive of VIP neurons, indicating a contribution of disinhibitory circuits to contextual drive. Contextual drive was strongest when the gray disk was perceived as figure, occluding its background, rather than a hole. Our results link contextual drive in V1 to perceptual organization and provide previously unknown insight into how recurrent processing shapes the response of sensory neurons to facilitate figure perception.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereadd2498
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalScience advances
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2023


Acknowledgments:W ethankthemechatronicsandanimaldepartmentsattheNetherlands InstituteforNeurosciencefortechnicalsupport,E.RuimschotelandC.Leveltforhelpwith mousebreeding,andthemembersoftheRoelfsemalabora tory fordiscussionsofthisproject. Funding: This project was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 and FP7 Research andInnova tion Program(grants720270and785907),grantagreement650003“HumanBrain Project, ”ERCgrantagreement339490“Cortic_al_gorithms, ”FLAG-ERAJTCgrant “ChampMouse, ”andtheErasmusMundus“NeuroTime”program.Authorcontributions:L.K., M.W .S., andP .R.R. designedthestudy.L.K.andM.W .S. conductedelectrophysiological experimentsandanalyzedthedata.S.M.performedthetwo-photonexperiments,andM.W .S. performedtheanalysis.L.K.,M.W .S., andP .R.R. wrotethemanuscript.Competinginterests:The authorsdeclarethattheyhav enocompetinginterests.Dataandmaterialsavailability:All dataneededtoevaluatetheconclusionsinthepaperarepresentinthepaperand/orthe SupplementaryMaterials.Alldataandthecomputercodeusedtoanalyzethedatacanbe accessedviaDOI:10.25493/6GCC-3XH.Correspondenceandrequestsformaterialscanbesent toP .R.R. ([email protected]).

FundersFunder number
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programmegrants720270and785907, ERCgrantagreement339490


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