Cooperative Subnetworks of Molecularly Similar Interneurons in Mouse Neocortex

Mahesh M M. Karnani*, Jesse Jackson, Inbal Ayzenshtat, Jason Tucciarone, Kasra Manoocheri, William G G. Snider, Rafael Yuste

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Simultaneous co-activation of neocortical neurons is likely critical for brain computations ranging from perception and motor control to memory and cognition. While co-activation of excitatory principal cells (PCs) during ongoing activity has been extensively studied, that of inhibitory interneurons (INs) has received little attention. Here, we show in vivo and in vitro that members of two non-overlapping neocortical IN populations, expressing somatostatin (SOM) or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), are active as populations rather than individually. We demonstrate a variety of synergistic mechanisms, involving population-specific local excitation, GABAergic disinhibition and excitation through electrical coupling, which likely underlie IN population co-activity. Firing of a few SOM or VIP INs recruits additional members within the cell type via GABAergic and cholinergic mechanisms, thereby amplifying the output of the population as a whole. Our data suggest that IN populations work as cooperative units, thus generating an amplifying nonlinearity in their circuit output.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-100
Number of pages15
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2016
Externally publishedYes


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