Correction: Testing the combination of Feeling Safe and peer counselling against formulation-based cognitive behaviour therapy to promote psychological wellbeing in people with persecutory delusions: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (the Feeling Safe-NL Trial)

Eva Tolmeijer*, Felicity Waite, Louise Isham, Laura Bringmann, Robin Timmers, Arjan van den Berg, Hanneke Schuurmans, Anton B.P. Staring, Paul de Bont, Rob van Grunsven, Gert Stulp, Ben Wijnen, Mark van der Gaag, Daniel Freeman, David van den Berg

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalErratum / CorrigendumAcademic


Following publication of the original article [1], we have been notified that the name of the 8th author had been incorrectly written. Originally published name: Anton B. P. (Tonnie) Staring Correct name: Anton B. P. Staring The original article has been corrected.

Original languageEnglish
Article number813
Number of pages1
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Correction to: Testing the combination of Feeling Safe and peer counselling against formulation-based cognitive behaviour therapy to promote psychological wellbeing in people with persecutory delusions: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (the Feeling Safe-NL Trial) (Trials, (2023), 24, 1, (644), 10.1186/s13063-023-07661-x).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s).


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