Debunking the corporate paint shop: Examining the effects of misleading corporate social responsibility claims on social media

Britta C. Brugman*, Dian van Huijstee, Ellen Droog

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Misinformation thrives on social media, prompting much research into social media interventions such as debunks. This paper tests debunking’s effectiveness against an understudied but prominent form of online misinformation: misleading organizational claims of corporate social responsibility, or CSR-washing. British participants (N = 657) took part in a preregistered experiment with a 2 (debunk: present, absent) x 3 (CSR-washing: greenwashing, bluewashing, purplewashing) between-subjects design. They saw an Instagram ad from a fictional clothing company that showcased its dedication to environmental sustainability, gender equality in the workplace, or the elimination of child labor. Half of the participants then received a debunk. Unlike most previous research which showed continued influence of misinformation after debunking, we found that the debunks were very effective: they reversed the persuasive effects of CSR-washing, resulting in negative brand attitudes and low purchase intentions. Several explanations for this finding are discussed, highlighting CSR-washing’s distinctiveness from many other forms of misinformation.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNew Media and Society
Early online date2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.


  • Bluewashing
  • correction
  • debunk
  • disinformation
  • fact-check
  • greenwashing
  • misinformation
  • purplewashing


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