Defining the research agenda to measure and reduce tuberculosis stigmas

K. Macintyre, M.I. Bakker, S. Bergson, R. Bhavaraju, V. Bond, J. Chikovore, C. Colvin, G.M. Craig, A.L. Cremers, A. Daftary, N. Engel

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S87-S96
JournalInternational journal of tuberculosis and lung disease
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


The Global Health Bureau, Office of Health, Infectious Disease and Nutrition (HIDN), US Agency for International Development (USAID, Washington DC, USA), financially supports this study through Challenge TB under the terms of Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-14-00029. The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID or US Government. Conflicts of interest: none declared. *Oxford Health Evaluations, Oxford, UK; †KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam; ‡KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Hague, The Netherlands; §Global Tuberculosis Institute, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey, USA; ¶London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, London, UK; #Zambart, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia; **Human Sciences Research Council, Durban, South Africa; ††US Agency for International Development Global Health Bureau, Washington DC, USA; ‡‡Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, School of Health and Social Work, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK; §§Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ¶¶Department of Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; ##Department of Health, Ethics & Society/Care And Public Health Research Institute, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands; ***The Work for Change/Irish Forum for Global Health, Dublin, Ireland; †††Global TB Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; ‡‡‡Institute for Medicine and Public Health, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; §§§University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; ¶¶¶Department of Sociology, Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; ###International Center for Research on Women, Stigma Action Network Secretariat, Washington DC, USA; ****University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; ††††Netherlands Leprosy Relief, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ‡‡‡‡Department of Epidemiology, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

FundersFunder number
Forum for Global Health
Global Health Bureau
Global Health and Development
Office of Health
Royal Tropical Institute
Stigma Action Network Secretariat
US Agency for International Development
US Agency for International Development Global Health Bureau
University of Antwerp
World Health Organization
Vanderbilt University
University of Ottawa
McGill University
Netherlands Leprosy Relief
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
University of Hertfordshire
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Sydney
Korea Institute of Toxicology
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
Care and Public Health Research Institute, Universiteit Maastricht

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