Dental trauma in association with maxillofacial fractures: an epidemiological study

M. Ruslin, J. Wolff, P. Boffano, H.S. Brand, T. Forouzanfar

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The aim of this study was to retrospectively investigate the incidence and associated factors of dental trauma in patients with maxillofacial fractures at the VU Medical Center in Amsterdam.

Material and methods
Data from 707 patients who were treated surgically for maxillofacial fractures were evaluated. The data were collected retrospectively from patient files and other available databases. The data collected included date of fracture, age, gender, type of fracture, and injured teeth.

Of the total 707 patients, 164 patients (23.2%) presented dental injuries associated with facial fractures. Mandibular condylar fractures, mandibular parasymphyseal fractures, Le Fort fractures, and mandibular body fractures were found to be significantly more associated with dental injury. Zygomatic arch or zygomatic complex fractures were significantly less associated with dental injury. Women had a significant higher risk of facial fractures with dental injuries than men. The maxilla demonstrated the highest incidence of injured teeth. The most affected teeth were the maxillary incisors (33.1%), followed by mandible incisors (13.6%), mandible molars (12.8%), and maxillary premolars (12.6%).

Our findings show a higher risk of dental injury among patients with a mandibular condylar fracture and mandibular parasymphyseal fracture but a lower risk of dental injury among patients with a zygomatic arch or zygomatic complex fracture. On average, patients had more than three injured teeth, with most of the injured teeth being in the upper jaw. The maxillary incisors, followed by the mandible incisors, were the most injured teeth.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)318-323
JournalDental traumatology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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