Development of a parent decision support tool for surgical necrotising enterocolitis: A study protocol

Rosa Verhoeven*, Elisabeth M.W. Kooi, Sylvia A. Obermann-Borst, Rosa Geurtzen, Nanon H.M. Labrie, A. A.Eduard Verhagen, Jan B.F. Hulscher

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Introduction Necrotising enterocolitis is a devastating gastrointestinal disease predominantly affecting preterm infants. In 40% of cases, its rapid progression renders conservative treatment insufficient, necessitating laparotomy as the sole viable option for survival. However, high perioperative and postoperative mortality rates, along with severe future potential disabilities and suffering, can complicate the decision of whether surgery is still in the infant's best interest. In such cases, palliative care, aimed to minimise suffering, may be considered as an alternative to laparotomy, especially when the infant's expected quality of life and overall prognosis are concerning. Depending on the sociocultural context, parents are increasingly involved in this decision. However, weighing the risks, benefits and uncertainties can be challenging for them. Therefore, we aim to develop a decision support tool using a novel combination of the Delphi technique and Q-methodology. Ultimately, we anticipate that this approach will contribute to improved family-centred care and optimised outcomes. Methods and analysis The first phase of the study aims to identify key factors guiding Dutch parents' decisions between laparotomy and palliative care (decision factors). Using a Delphi process, parents with varying perspectives and experiences will evaluate decision factors found in the literature and those self-suggested. The pertinent set of decision factors is defined during a consensus meeting. During the second phase, parents are asked to compare statements about these decision factors using Q-methodology. A by-person factor analysis of these comparisons will identify different parental decision-making profiles, which allows for formulating advice tailored to those profiles. Ultimately, we will build an online decision support tool which facilitates the classification of parent perspectives. The tool will then provide the parents with the relevant advice. In the last phase of the study, the tool's effectiveness will be evaluated through an online questionnaire, asking parents to imagine using the tool in a real-world scenario. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval has been obtained from Central Ethics Review Committee of The University Medical Center Groningen (METc 2023/577, CTc UMCG 153660). Participants will be asked to provide their informed consent for the parts of the study that involve non-anonymous data gathering. Findings will be disseminated through academic journals and conferences. Options for long-term data preservation are under consideration.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere087939
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number12
Early online date9 Dec 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2024. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


  • Decision Making
  • Paediatric surgery


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