title = "Differential branching fraction and angular moments analysis of the decay B 0 → K +π− μ + μ − in the K 0,2 ∗ (1430)0 region",
abstract = "Measurements of the differential branching fraction and angular moments of the decay B0 → K+π−μ+μ− in the K+π− invariant mass range 1330 < m(K+π−) < 1530 MeV/c2 are presented. Proton-proton collision data are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1 collected by the LHCb experiment. Differential branching fraction measurements are reported in five bins of the invariant mass squared of the dimuon system, q2, between 0.1 and 8.0 GeV2/c4. For the first time, an angular analysis sensitive to the S-, P- and D-wave contributions of this rare decay is performed. The set of 40 normalised angular moments describing the decay is presented for the q2 range 1.1-6.0 GeV2/c4.",
keywords = "FCNC Interaction, Flavor physics, B physics, Rare decay, Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments)",
author = "R. Aaij and B. Adeva and M. Adinolfi and Z. Ajaltouni and S. Akar and J. Albrecht and F. Alessio and M. Alexander and S. Ali and G. Alkhazov and {Alvarez Cartelle}, P. and Alves, {A. A.} and S. Amato and S. Amerio and Y. Amhis and LA Everse and L. Anderlini and G. Andreassi and M. Andreotti and J.E. Andrews and Appleby, {R. B.} and F. Archilli and P. d{\textquoteright}Argent and {Arnau Romeu}, J. and A. Artamonov and M. Artuso and E. Aslanides and G. Auriemma and M. Baalouch and I. Babuschkin and {Carvalho Akiba}, K. and V. Coco and David, {P. N Y} and {De Bruyn}, K. and M. Ferro-Luzzi and T. Ketel and Koopman, {R. F.} and {van Leerdam}, J. and M. Merk and Onderwater, {C. J G} and G. Raven and M. Schiller and N. Serra and H. Snoek and B. Storaci and V. Syropoulos and {van Tilburg}, J. and S. Tolk and P. Tsopelas and N. Tuning and {The LHCb collaboration}, {LHCb collaboration}",
year = "2016",
month = dec,
day = "15",
doi = "10.1007/JHEP12(2016)065",
language = "English",
journal = "Journal of High Energy Physics",
issn = "1029-8479",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
number = "12",