Dogen's Practice of Non-thinking: An "Uncreated" Metaethic that is "Faithful to the Great Earth"

Joseph Daniel Markowski

Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

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The focus of this dissertation falls within the general arena of comparative philosophy; in it, I explore Zen Master Dōgen’s (1200-1253 CE) writings on ethics through Western metaethical categories in general, as well as the normative writings of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900 CE) in particular. The overarching query of my research is to understand how Dōgen’s writings, specifically when placed in dialogue with Nietzsche, can contribute to contemporary Western metaethical discussions concerning: (1) the metaphysical status of values; (2) the epistemic nature of moral expressions and judgments; and (3) non-anthropocentric value creation. Accordingly, I argue that Dōgen’s writings on ethics can be interpreted as anti-realist, vis-à-vis the metaphysical status of values, and anti-cognitivist, vis-à-vis the meaning of normative speech acts and value judgments. In addition, I maintain, in light of Nietzsche’s perspectivism, that Dōgen’s practice of ethics can be understood as “active” moral nihilism in regards to non-anthropocentric value creation, and moral skepticism in regards to moral truth and knowledge. Overall, this inquiry shows that Dōgen’s practice of philosophy in general, ethics in particular, is motivated, similar to that of Nietzsche, by “way seeking” values. In other words, in contradistinction to providing the necessary and sufficient conditions that can ungird theoretical beliefs (i.e. “truth-seeking”), it is the realization of a practice for individual and communal flourishing that is the primary concern for Dōgen. For Dōgen, such a practice is nothing other than non-thinking (Jpn. hishiryō) via seated meditation (Jpn. zazen). Thus, this “way-seeking” approach to ethics is what allows for Dōgen to defend a non-anthropocentric perspective whereby the earth and the entirety of existing beings are understood to be the embodiment of Buddha-nature (Jpn. busshō).
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • van der Braak, Andre, Supervisor
  • Harris, Stephen, Co-supervisor, -
Award date8 Jul 2021
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jul 2021


  • Dōgen, non-thinking, metaethics


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