Effect of filling technique and root canal area on the percentage of gutta-percha in laterally compacted root fillings

E.M. Souza, L.W. van der Sluis, R.T. Leonardo, I. Bonetti, P.R. Wesselink

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    Aim  To determine the influence of filling technique and root canal area on the percentage of gutta-percha (PGP) in laterally compacted root fillings.
    Methodology  Sixty extracted canine teeth were accessed and the root canals instrumented to the same size. They were then divided in three groups and filled with laterally compacted gutta-percha cones and AH Plus using different techniques. A variation of cold lateral compaction using a sequence of spreaders prior to accessory cone placement was compared to two commonly-used techniques. Twenty additional canines with prepared root canals were used as negative controls in which gutta-percha was introduced into the canals but no compaction applied. The roots were sectioned horizontally at 3 and 6 mm from the apex and micro-photographs taken. Using software, the area of the canals and gutta-percha at each level were measured and PGP calculated. A Multivariate analysis was used to determine the variables influencing PGP. A linear regression test was used to verify the variation in PGP explained by canal area.
    Results  At each level the largest canal was two to three times wider than the smallest. Canal area significantly influenced the PGP at both levels (P < 0.05), however, the variation in PGP was only partially explained by canal area (r2 = 0.154, 6 mm; r2 = 0.119, 3 mm). The PGP at the 3 mm level was lower than at 6 mm (P = 0.003). The spreader-sequence technique achieved a higher PGP than the other two techniques (P = 0.00002). The control group had the lowest area of GP.
    Conclusions  Variations in root canal filling technique and canal area influenced the percentage of gutta-percha of laterally compacted root fillings. The percentage of gutta-percha was lower at the 3 mm level compared to the 6 mm level.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Pages (from-to)719-726
    JournalInternational Endodontic Journal
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 2009

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