Effects of Visual Priming on Rating Scale Usage

Pieter Schoonees, Patrick J.F. Groenen, Michel van de Velden, Hester van Herk

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


Rating scales are much used in survey research. Often, it is assumed that the scores
obtained through rating scales can be compared within and between respondents
when studies are in one country. In addition, it is assumed that they can be treated
as a numerical scale. In this paper, we study the anchoring effect of a visual stimulus on rating scale usage. To do so, we set up a randomized experiment where
the experimental group was primed by asking to rate the filling of a cylinder that
was presented visually. For a five-point rating scale, we find the effect that primed
respondents use Category 1 less and Categories 3 and 4 more, and no effect on
Categories 2 and 5.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMultivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces: Papers in honor of Jörg Blasius
EditorsAlice Barth , Felix Leßke , Rebekka Atakan , Manuela Schmidt , Yvonne Scheit
PublisherVerlag Barbara Budrich
Number of pages14
ISBN (Print)9783847427643
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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