Encyclopedie Nadere Reformatie: Deel 4. Thema's L-R

Translated title of the contribution: Encyclopedia on the Dutch Further Reformation : Volume 4: topics L-R

J van de Kamp (Editor), W.J. Op 't Hof (Editor), A. Baars (Editor), F.W. Huisman (Editor), A. de Reuver (Editor), J.H. Rozendaal (Editor)

Research output: Book / ReportBook (Editorship) Academic

Translated title of the contributionEncyclopedia on the Dutch Further Reformation : Volume 4: topics L-R
Original languageDutch
Number of pages459
ISBN (Print)9789043534208
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameEncyclopedie Nadere Reformatie


  • Dutch Further Reformation
  • Luthers piëtisme

    Translated title of the contribution: Lutheran Pietismvan de Kamp, J., 2023, Encyclopedie Nadere Reformatie: Deel 4. Thema's L-R. Hof, W. J. O. ., Baars, A., Huisman, F. W., Kamp, J. V. D., Reuver, A. D. & Rozendaal, J. H. (eds.). Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum, Vol. 4. p. 57-62 6 p. (Encyclopedie Nadere Reformatie).

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionaryProfessional

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