Entrepreneurs’ Creative Responses to Institutional Challenges: Insider Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa

Neil Aaron Thompson, Emiel Eijdenberg

Research output: Book / ReportBookAcademicpeer-review


Entrepreneurship has long been recognized as a key socioeconomic activity that is essential for regional economic development. Entrepreneurship research in developing countries often uses macro level or meso level analyses of large surveys to examine institutional constraints and enablers of entrepreneurial activities, which can mask fascinating insights on day to day practices.

This book reveals insider perspectives of the everyday struggles of Tanzanian and Zambian entrepreneurs by distinguishing institutional constraints and enablers, and sustainability practices as responses to those opportunities and barriers. The book contributes to existing literature by providing entrepreneurs from sub-Saharan Africa the opportunity to illustrate how their institutional context influences their sustainability practices at the micro level. Written for scholars of Business and Entrepreneurship, this book showcases how entrepreneurs use creative and bricolage methods to implement sustainability practices that contribute to social and environmental well-being.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEmerald Publishing
Number of pages132
ISBN (Electronic)9781839095429
ISBN (Print)9781839095450
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2020

Publication series

NameEmerald Points

VU Research Profile

  • Science for Sustainability


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