Evaluating coevolution in a horizontally transmitted mutualism

Kayla S. Stoy, Joselyne Chavez, Valeria De Las Casas, Venkat Talla, Aileen Berasategui, Levi T Morran, Nicole M Gerardo

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Many interspecific interactions are shaped by coevolution. Transmission mode is thought to influence opportunities for coevolution within symbiotic interactions. Vertical transmission maintains partner fidelity, increasing opportunities for coevolution, but horizontal transmission may disrupt partner fidelity, potentially reducing opportunities for coevolution. Despite these predictions, the role of coevolution in the maintenance of horizontally transmitted symbioses is unclear. Leveraging a tractable insect-bacteria symbiosis, we tested for signatures of pairwise coevolution by assessing patterns of host-symbiont specialization. If pairwise coevolution defines the interaction, we expected to observe evidence of reciprocal specialization between hosts and their local symbionts. We found no evidence for local adaptation between sympatric lineages of Anasa tristis squash bugs and Caballeronia spp. symbionts across their native geographic range. We also found no evidence for specialization between three co-localized Anasa host species and their native Caballeronia symbionts. Our results demonstrate generalist dynamics underlie the interaction between Anasa insect hosts and their Caballeronia symbionts. We predict that selection from multiple host species may favor generalist symbiont traits through diffuse coevolution. Alternatively, selection for generalist traits may be a consequence of selection by hosts for fixed cooperative symbiont traits without coevolution.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)166-185
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023
Externally publishedYes


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