Evolutionary theory

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionaryAcademicpeer-review


In contemporary social science, the term ‘evolutionary’ may refer to any developmental or processual perspective on human society, such as modernization, individualization, rationalization, and globalization. Or it may refer to a developmental perspective with a Darwinian-Wallacian principle as its explanatory core – like cultural materialism or ecological-evolutionary theory. This article traces the history of developmental and evolutionary thinking on nature and society in general, and its history in anthropology and sociology., Evolutionary thinking may be evolving into a unifying framework not only for social science but for science in general.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9781118430873
ISBN (Print)9781118430866
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Altruism and Prosocial Behavior; Darwinism; DevelopmentTheory; Eugenics; Globalization; Materialism; Meritocracy; Modernity; Postindustrial Society


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