Exploiting domain knowledge for approximate diagnosis

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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The AI literature contains many definitions of diagnostic reasoning most of which are defined in terms of the logical entailment relation. We use existing work on approximate entailment to define notions of approximation in diagnosis. We show how such a notion of approximate diagnosis can be exploited in various diagnostic strategies. We illustrate these strategies by performing diagnosis in a small car domain example.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ({IJCAI}'97)
Publication statusPublished - 1997

Bibliographical note

A. ten Teije and Harmelen, F.A.H. van. Exploiting domain knowledge for approximate diagnosis. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ({IJCAI}'97). Editors M. Pollack. Pages 454--459. August 1997.


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