Exploring, Diversifying and Debating Sustainable Health (Care) Approaches

Evelien de Hoop*, Anne Loeber, Dirk Essink

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Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Today’s sustainability challenges have major implications for human health and health care. At the same time, the way health care is organized and conducted has major sustainability implications. Sustainable health and sustainable health care approaches in research, which engage with health and sustainability as intertwined phenomena, feature increasingly prominently in various literatures, i.e. (i) literature based on the premise of ‘(un)healthy environments result in (un)healthy people’ (e.g., planetary health); (ii) literature on the implications of ecological change for the sustainability of healthcare systems; and (iii) literature on healthcare systems’ sustainability in view of a range of socio‐economic factors. However, an integrative elaboration of the manifold relationships between health and sustainability challenges in these literatures is currently lacking. This review paper therefore maps how these three literatures represent intertwinements between health and sustainability challenges, as well as their suggestions to address these challenges. In addition, we explore which themes and questions are pertinent, meaning they have remained largely unaddressed. By performing a qualitative mapping review, we find that calls for structural attention to inequality, to in‐and exclusion, and to stakeholder needs and perspectives cut across these three literatures. Furthermore, we identify three cross‐cutting key questions that require future research attention. First, how do divergent ideas on what is and divergent ideas on how can that be known give rise to different health‐ and sustainability visions and pathways? Second, what do abstract problem statements and solutions presented in agenda‐setting work look like in practice in specific and diverse empirical contexts across the globe? And third, how are diverse health and sustainability dynamics historically and spatially interconnected? Moreover, we observe that some voices have so far remained largely silent in scientific debates on health and sustainability intertwinements, namely non‐expert voices such as patients and citizens, voices from a variety of social scientific and humanities disciplines, voices from relevant domains beyond (environmental) health, and voices from the global South (from non‐experts, social scientific and humanities researchers and domains beyond health). We conclude that a focus on inclusive and equitable engagement with intertwined health‐ and sustainability challenges is imperative. This requires moving away from developing universal knowledge to address generic problems, to foregrounding plurality in terms of problem statements, knowledge, solutions, and the values embedded therein.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1698
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors. Li-censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • Health
  • Healthcare system transformation
  • Inclusion
  • Planetary health
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable healthcare systems


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