Extreme-Ultraviolet Excited Scintillation of Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskites

Maarten L.S. Van Der Geest, Lucie McGovern, Stefan Van Vliet, Hanya Y. Zwaan, Gianluca Grimaldi, Jeroen De Boer, Roland Bliem, Bruno Ehrler, Peter M. Kraus*

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Inorganic-Organic lead halide materials have been recognized as potential high-energy X-ray detectors because of their high quantum efficiencies and radiation hardness. Surprisingly little is known about whether the same is true for extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) radiation, despite applications in nuclear fusion research and astrophysics. We used a table-top high-harmonic generation setup in the XUV range between 20 and 45 eV to photoexcite methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) and measure its scintillation properties. The strong absorbance combined with multiple carriers being excited per photon yield a very high carrier density at the surface, triggering photobleaching reactions that rapidly reduce the emission intensity. Concurrent to and in spite of this photobleaching, a recovery of the emission intensity as a function of dose was observed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements of XUV-exposed and unexposed areas show that this recovery is caused by XUV-induced oxidation of MAPbBr3, which removes trap states that normally quench emission, thus counteracting the rapid photobleaching caused by the extremely high carrier densities. Furthermore, it was found that preoxidizing the sample with ozone was able to prolong and improve this intensity recovery, highlighting the impact of surface passivation on the scintillation properties of perovskite materials in the XUV range.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12554-12562
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number30
Early online date21 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Part of this work has been carried out at the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL), a public-private partnership of the University of Amsterdam, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML, and was partly financed by ‘Toeslag voor Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie’ from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Another part of this work was carried out at the research institute AMOLF as part of NWO. The work of L.M. was supported by NWO Vidi Grant 016.Vidi.179.005. The work of G.G. was supported by EPSRC International Centre to Centre grant EP/S030638/1. We acknowledge assistance from the software engineering department and mechanical workshops at AMOLF and ARCNL for construction and implementation. Furthermore, we thank R. Jaarsma for technical assistance. We thank I. Schuringa and I. Koschany for sample preparation and Dr. Z. Nie for providing valuable comments. P.M.K. acknowledges support from NWO Veni grant 016.Veni.192.254.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.


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