Extreme ultraviolet-excited time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy using an ultrafast table-top high-harmonic generation source

M. L.S. Van Der Geest, N. Sadegh, T. M. Meerwijk, E. I. Wooning, L. Wu, R. Bloem, S. Castellanos Ortega, A. M. Brouwer, P. M. Kraus*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


We present a table-top extreme ultraviolet (XUV) beamline for measuring time- and frequency-resolved XUV-excited optical luminescence (XEOL) with additional femtosecond-resolution XUV transient absorption spectroscopy functionality. XUV pulses are generated via high-harmonic generation using a near-infrared pulse in a noble gas medium and focused to excite luminescence from a solid sample. The luminescence is collimated and guided into a streak camera where its spectral components are temporally resolved with picosecond temporal resolution. We time-resolve XUV-excited luminescence and compare the results to luminescence decays excited at longer wavelengths for three different materials: (i) sodium salicylate, an often used XUV scintillator; (ii) fluorescent labeling molecule 4-carbazole benzoic (CB) acid; and (iii) a zirconium metal oxo-cluster labeled with CB, which is a photoresist candidate for extreme-ultraviolet lithography. Our results establish time-resolved XEOL as a new technique to measure transient XUV-driven phenomena in solid-state samples and identify decay mechanisms of molecules following XUV and soft-x-ray excitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113004
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number11
Early online date18 Nov 2021
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was carried out at the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL), a public-private partnership of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML, and was partly financed by “Toeslag voor Topcon-sortia voor Kennis en Innovatie (TKI)” from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. We would like to thank Reinout Jaarsma and Sander van Leeuwen for technical support, Dirk-Jan Spaanderman for solving many design issues, and Filippo Campi for providing valuable comments. We also want to extend our thanks to the cleanroom support staff at AMOLF for help in sample preparation. We, furthermore, wish to thank the workshop as well as the mechanical, electronic, and software engineering departments at AMOLF and ARCNL for the construction and implementation of the setup. P.M.K. acknowledges support from NWO Veni Grant No. 016.Veni.192.254.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Author(s).


This work was carried out at the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL), a public-private partnership of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML, and was partly financed by “Toeslag voor Topcon-sortia voor Kennis en Innovatie (TKI)” from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. We would like to thank Reinout Jaarsma and Sander van Leeuwen for technical support, Dirk-Jan Spaanderman for solving many design issues, and Filippo Campi for providing valuable comments. We also want to extend our thanks to the cleanroom support staff at AMOLF for help in sample preparation. We, furthermore, wish to thank the workshop as well as the mechanical, electronic, and software engineering departments at AMOLF and ARCNL for the construction and implementation of the setup. P.M.K. acknowledges support from NWO Veni Grant No. 016.Veni.192.254.


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