Fabrication, Detection, and Operation of a Three-Dimensional Nanomagnetic Conduit

D. Sanz-Hernández, R.F. Hamans, J.-W. Liao, A. Welbourne, R. Lavrijsen, A. Fernández-Pacheco

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Three-dimensional (3D) nanomagnetic devices are attracting significant interest due to their potential for computing, sensing, and biological applications. However, their implementation faces great challenges regarding fabrication and characterization of 3D nanostructures. Here, we show a 3D nanomagnetic system created by 3D nanoprinting and physical vapor deposition, which acts as a conduit for domain walls. Domains formed at the substrate level are injected into a 3D nanowire, where they are controllably trapped using vectorial magnetic fields. A dark-field magneto-optical method for parallel, independent measurement of different regions in individual 3D nanostructures is also demonstrated. This work will facilitate the advanced study and exploitation of 3D nanomagnetic systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11066-11073
JournalACS Nano
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2017


This research is funded by an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship EP/M008517/1, a Winton Fellowship, and by a European Erasmus Mobility program. D.S.H. acknowledges funding from a Girton College Pfeiffer Scholarship. J.-W. L acknowledges support from a Newton International Fellowship scheme NF150217. We thank R.P. Cowburn and M. Sanz-Hernańdez for fruitful discussions.

FundersFunder number
Girton College Pfeiffer ScholarshipNF150217
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilEP/M008517/1


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