Fatigue-related changes in the coordination of lifting and their effect of low back load

Jaap H. Van Dieën, Huub M. Toussaint, Cora Maurice, Martine Mientjes

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In this study, changes in movement coordination caused by fatigue that developed during repetitive lifting were examined. Five men performed 6 times a 5-min bout of lifting an 8-kg barbell at 15 lifts/min, using two lifting techniques; one minimized trunk rotation (squat lift), and the other minimized rotation in the knee joint (stoop lift). Kinematics and dynamics were studied by means of movement analysis and inverse dynamics, using a two-dimensional linked segment model. Within-subject variation over repetitive lifts of the time course of joint angles was smaller than between-subjects variation on the first analyzed lift. Relative timing between joint rotations did not change significantly across repetitive lifts, except between knee and hip in the squat lift. No change of the lumbosacral torque over repetitive lifts was found. The adaptability of the neural control appeared to be sufficient to accommodate the strong changes of the input-output characteristics of the muscles caused by fatigue so that an essentially constant performance of the movement act was maintained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)304-314
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Motor Behavior
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1996


  • biomechanics
  • motor control
  • muscle fatigue


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