Forensics for Dummies?

S. Stalman, J.J. van der Kemp

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePosterOther research output


Forensic disciplines such as DNA-matching, pathology and psychology are often requested to report in criminal cases. Within the Dutch legal system forensic experts are court appointed and little use of second opinion or contra-expertise by the defence is seen. This makes that forensic reports written by experts or crime scene investigators must be understood by lawyers – without a forensic background - in order to discuss this in court. So how do lawyers use forensic reports in their defence cases. Do lawyers contest the forensic reports on its content or procedure? A survey conducted among criminal lawyers was done to see on what elements forensic reports are debated in court and if different styles of reporting or outside expertise would be considered beneficial. This study addresses both equality of arms issues as well as the importance of interpretation of forensic evidence in criminal cases.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law - Maastricht
Duration: 2 Jul 20082 Jul 2008


Conference18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law

Bibliographical note

Place of publication: Maastricht


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