Formality v digitální éře: překážka nebo příležitost?

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


This article has identified and examined some of the main arguments in favour of and against reintroduction of copyright formalities. In questioning whether formalities in the digital era provide an obstacle or an opportunity, this article argues in favour of the latter. Resurrecting copyright formalities may not be one of the most salient ways of dealing with the current needs. Because of their inherent capacities to enlarge the public domain, to define and facilitate the recognition of copyright-protectable subject matter, to improve the licensing of copyright protected works and to enhance legal certainty for users and copyright owners alike, formalities seem fit to address the challenges that copyright is presently facing.
Original languageCzech
Title of host publicationAktuální otázky práva autorského a práv průmyslových
EditorsJ. Kříž
Place of PublicationV Praze
ISBN (Print)9788024617510
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

vertaald door J. Kyseľová i.s.m. T. Dobřichovský en L. Bednář. Engelse titel boek: Current Problems of Copyright and Industrial Property

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