From coast to coast: networks sociali ed economici nel Canale d’Otranto tra Mar Adriatico e Mar Ionio in età tardoellenistica

Carlo de Mitri

Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

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The present work stems from the attempt to give answers to some questions commonly asked by those who approach the study of material culture, i.e. what can be a modern and effective methodological approach to the study of objects, especially ceramics, found in an archaeological excavation? How can we derive useful information for the economic and social reconstruction of the ancient world from the classification and chronotypological analysis of pottery and special objects? These are the questions underlying the research project developed as part of the activities carried out for the PhD at the Free University of Amsterdam between 2018 and 2021, questions that start precisely from the study conducted on material found in some sample sites located in the Strait of Otranto, both in Apulia and Albania. Here, in fact, the constant and continuous relations between the two sides of the Ionian-Adriatic basin have sedimented in a series of traces which, at different times and in different ways, have contributed to the ethnic, cultural, economic and social definition of those who live and have lived in these territories. Within this area, the Otranto canal is both the gateway to the "cul de sac" that is the Adriatic Sea and the passageway linking it with the central-eastern Mediterranean..
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Burgers, Gert-Jan, Supervisor
  • Silvestrelli, Francesca, Co-supervisor, -
Award date12 Sept 2024
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2024


  • Trade
  • Hellenistic Pottery
  • Network Analysis
  • Ionian-Adriatic Sea
  • Hellenistic Economy
  • Black Gloss Ware
  • Shipwrechs
  • Mouldmade Ware


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