GLS estimation and confidence sets for the date of a single break in models with trends

Eric Beutner, Yicong Lin, Stephan Smeekes

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


We develop a Feasible Generalized Least Squares estimator of the date of a structural break in level and/or trend. The estimator is based on a consistent estimate of a T-dimensional inverse autocovariance matrix. A cubic polynomial transformation of break date estimates can be approximated by a nonstandard yet nuisance parameter free distribution asymptotically. The new limiting distribution captures the asymmetry and bimodality in finite samples and is applicable for inference with a single, known, set of critical values. We consider the confidence intervals/sets for break dates based on both Wald-type tests and by inverting multiple likelihood ratio (LR) tests. A simulation study shows that the proposed estimator increases the empirical concentration probability in a small neighborhood of the true break date and potentially reduces the mean squared errors. The LR-based confidence intervals/sets have good coverage while maintaining informative length even with highly persistent errors and small break sizes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)195-219
Number of pages25
JournalEconometric Reviews
Issue number2
Early online date16 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023


We would like to thank the Editor, an Associate Editor, and three anonymous Referees for constructive comments. We also thank Jianan Hou, Hanno Reuvers, Xiaohu Wang, Yishu Wang, and the participants of 2017 CFE, 2018 NESG, 2018 CMES, 2018 EcoSta, 2018 EEA-ESEM, and the attendants of the seminar at Maastricht University. All remaining errors are our own.

FundersFunder number
Universiteit Maastricht


    • Level break
    • trend break
    • feasible generalized least squares
    • inverted likelihood ratio test
    • confidence set


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