God, the proud parent?

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePaperAcademic


In a recent Dutch worship song, God is said to be proud of us. In this paper, I evaluate whether this claim makes sense assuming perfect being theism. First, I provide some background information on the (im)passibilism debate. Second, I treat a few accounts of human pride to provide a definition and give some distinguishing features. Third, I consider whether there is any biblical notion of divine pride or any passages that could support pride as divine attribute. Fourth, I consider whether divine pride could make sense philosophically by comparing it with some of the most common attributes of perfect being theism. Fifth, I discuss two arguments that can be offered for divine pride. I end this paper with some concluding remarks about the implications of seeing God as a proud God.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventEuropean Academy of Religion Annual Meeting 2022 - Bologna, Italy
Duration: 20 Jun 202223 Jun 2022


ConferenceEuropean Academy of Religion Annual Meeting 2022
Abbreviated titleEuARe 2022


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