Granulovacuolar degeneration bodies: red alert for neurons with MAPT/tau pathology

Vera I Wiersma, Wiep Scheper

Research output: Contribution to JournalComment / Letter to the editorAcademic


In Alzheimer disease patients, MAPT/tau pathology and granulovacuolar degeneration bodies (GVBs) co-occur in the same brain regions and in the same cells. The interdependence of these neuropathological hallmarks and the identity of GVBs have long been elusive. Recently, we showed that MAPT pathology causes GVB formation in neurons in vivo and in vitro. Using these novel GVB models, we identified GVBs as lysosomal structures at the convergence of the endo- and autolysosomal pathways. Here, the possible functional consequences of neuronal GVB formation are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)173-175
Number of pages3
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020


  • Autophagy
  • endosome
  • granulovacuolar degeneration bodies
  • lysosome
  • proteostatic stress
  • tau pathology


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