Guiding attention aids the acquisition of anticipatory skill in novice soccer goalkeepers

D. Ryu, S. Kim, B. Abernethy, D.L. Mann

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    Purpose: The ability to anticipate the actions of opponents can be enhanced through perceptual-skill training, though there is doubt regarding the most effective form of doing so. We sought to evaluate whether perceptual-skill learning would be enhanced when supplemented with guiding visual information. Method: Twenty-eight participants without soccer-playing experience were assigned to a guided perceptual-training group (n = 9), an unguided perceptual-training group (n = 10), or a control group (n = 9). The guided perceptual-training group received half of their trials with color cueing that highlighted either the key kinematic changes in the kicker's action or the known visual search strategy of expert goalkeepers. The unguided perceptual-training group undertook an equal number of trials of practice, but all trials were without guidance. The control group undertook no training intervention. All participants completed an anticipation test immediately before and after the 7-day training intervention, as well as a 24-hr retention test. Results: The guided perceptualtraining group significantly improved their response accuracy for anticipating the direction of soccer penalty kicks from preintervention to postintervention, whereas no change in performance was evident at posttest for either the unguided perceptual-training group or the control group. The superior performance of the guided perceptual-training group was preserved in the retention test and was confirmed when relative changes in response time were controlled using a covariate analysis. Conclusions: Perceptual training supplemented with guiding information provides a level of improvement in perceptual anticipatory skill that is not seen without guidance. Copyright © AAHPERD.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)252-262
    JournalResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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