High-resolution steady-state and time-resolved luminescence studies on the complexes of Eu(III) with aromatic or aliphatic carboxylic acids

B. Marmodee, J.S. de Klerk, F. Ariese, C. Gooijer, M.U. Kumke

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Eu(III) luminescence spectroscopy, both in the steady-state and the time-resolved mode, is an appropriate technique to study the properties of complexes between heavy metal ions and humic substances (HS), which play a key role in the distribution of metal species in the environment. Unfortunately, room temperature luminescence spectra of Eu(III) complexes with aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids - model compounds of HS binding sites - are too broad to fully exploit their potential analytical information content. It is shown that under cryogenic conditions fluorescence-line-narrowing (FLN) is achieved, and the highly resolved spectra provide detailed information on the complexes. Ten model ligands were investigated. Total luminescence spectra (TLS) were recorded, using the
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)285-294
JournalAnalytica Chimica Acta
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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