How removing visual information affects grasping movements

Chiara Bozzacchi*, Eli Brenner, Jeroen B. Smeets, Robert Volcic, Fulvio Domini

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Our interaction with objects is facilitated by the availability of visual feedback. Here, we investigate how and when visual feedback affects the way we grasp an object. Based on the main views on grasping (reach-and-grasp and double-pointing views), we designed four experiments to test: (1) whether the availability of visual feedback influences the digits independently, and (2) whether the absence of visual feedback affects the initial part of the movement. Our results show that occluding (part of) the hand’s movement path influences the movement trajectory from the beginning. Thus, people consider the available feedback when planning their movements. The influence of the visual feedback depends on which digit is occluded, but its effect is not restricted to the occluded digit. Our findings indicate that the control mechanisms are more complex than those suggested by current views on grasping.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)985-995
Number of pages11
JournalExperimental Brain Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018


  • Action planning
  • Grasping
  • Movement trajectory
  • Visual feedback
  • Visual occlusion


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