‘I Know What You Are Doing for Other People Too’: Dutch Journalist Mary Pos Reaches Out to Eleanor Roosevelt

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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Case study in book that "focuses on Eleanor Roosevelt’s multifaceted agenda for the world. It highlights her advocacy of human rights, multilateral diplomacy, and
transnationalism, and it emphasizes her challenge to gendered norms and racial
relations. The essays of this collection describe Eleanor Roosevelt as a public
intellectual, a politician, a public diplomat, and an activist. She went through two
world wars, the harshness of the Great Depression, and the emergence of nuclear
confrontation, and she deciphered such crises as the product of misleading
nationalism and egoism. Against them, she offered her commitment to people’s
education as an example of civic engagement, which she considered necessary
for the functioning of any democratic order." (Palgrave MacMillan)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Global Citizen
Subtitle of host publicationEleanor Roosevelt’s Views on Diplomacy and Democracy
EditorsDario Fazzi , Anya Luscombe
PublisherPalgrave / MacMillan
Number of pages27
ISBN (Electronic)9783030423155
ISBN (Print)9783030423148, 9783030423179
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

NameThe World of the Roosevelts


  • Journalism history
  • gender
  • transnationalism
  • citizenship
  • cultural diplomacy


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