Implementing medication adherence interventions in four Dutch living labs; context matters

Stijn Hogervorst, Marcia Vervloet, Ruby Janssen, Ellen Koster, Marcel C. Adriaanse, Charlotte L. Bekker, Bart J. F. van den Bemt, Marcel Bouvy, Eibert R. Heerdink, Jacqueline G. Hugtenburg, Menno van Woerkom, Hanneke Zwikker, Caroline van de Steeg-van Gompel, Liset van Dijk

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Background: Despite the abundant availability of effective medication adherence interventions, uptake of these interventions into routine care often lacks. Examples of effective medication adherence interventions include telephone counseling, consult preparation and the teach-back method. Assessing context is an important step in understanding implementation success of interventions, but context is often not reported or only moderately described. This study aims to describe context-specific characteristics in four living labs prior to the implementation of evidence-based interventions aiming to improve medication adherence. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted within four living labs using individual interviews (n = 12) and focus groups (n = 4) with project leaders and involved healthcare providers. The four living labs are multidisciplinary collaboratives that are early adopters of medication adherence interventions in the Dutch primary care system. Context is defined as the environment or setting in which the proposed change is to be implemented. Interview topics to assess context were formulated based on the ‘inner setting’ and ‘outer setting’ domains of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were deductively analyzed. Results: A total of 39 community pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, general practitioners and a home care employee participated in the (focus group) interviews. All four living labs proved to be pharmacy-driven and characterized by a high regard for innovation by staff members, a positive implementation climate, high levels of leadership engagement and high compatibility between the living labs and the interventions. Two living labs were larger in size and characterized by more formal communication. Two living labs were characterized by higher levels of cosmopolitanism which resulted in more adaptable interventions. Worries about external policy, most notably lack of reimbursement for sustainment and upscaling of the interventions, were shared among all living labs. Conclusions: Contextual characteristics of four living labs that are early adopters of medication adherence interventions provide detailed examples of a positive implementation setting. These can be used to inform dissemination of medication adherence interventions in settings less experienced in implementing medication adherence interventions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1030
JournalBMC health services research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


This study was supported by a grant from ZonMw, the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (project number 80–84800-98–24002). The funding source had no role in the design, data collection, analysis or interpretation of the study, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

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