Inclusief preventief wijkgerichte werken heeft ‘ontregelende gesprekken’ in gewaagde ruimtes nodig.

Elena Ponzoni, Femke Kaulingfreks

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In this contribution we argue that ‘disrupting dialogues’ are necessary to connect the work of parenting and youth professionals with the lifeworld of young people who experience marginalisation and othering in the urban context. In these dialogues the experience and expressive language of youngsters form the starting point to explore different positions and blind spots. The cooperation between Ouder and KindTeams in Amsterdam and the theatre collective Lost Project shows how professionals can work creatively to engage with the lived experiences of youngsters and create empathic connections that boost mutual trust. This example shows how, through the use of theatre, professionals and youngsters can give shape to ‘daring spaces’ in which disrupting dialogues can take place. These daring spaces enable connections across multiple differences and counter the marginalisation of specific experiences and voices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)337
Number of pages345
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


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