Interference effects in the autoionization of 4F7H and 6DNI states of Barium

R. van Leeuwen, W.M.G. Ubachs, W. Hogervorst, M. Aymar, E. Luckoenig

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In a two-step pulsed laser experiment 4f5/27h J=4,5,6, autoionizing levels of Ba were excited. The 4f5/27h levels interact with 6d5/2ni levels resulting in complex interference patterns. The excitation spectra were calculated using the eigenchannel R-matrix method in combination with multichannel quantum-defect theory. These R-matrix calculations reproduce the excitation spectra, including the interference patterns which involve q-reversal and stabilization against autoionization in the 6d5/2ni series, very well. The excitation spectra for J=5 are also analyzed using a phase-shifted R-matrix model in which only three channels had to be included to reproduce the main experimental features. The three-channel model clearly shows that the stabilization against autoionization in the 6d5/2ni Rydberg series is a result of interference in the decay of 4f5/27h and 6d5/2ni levels, autoionizing into the same 6d3/2i continuum. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4567-4577
JournalPhysical Review A. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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