International Encyclopedia of Education

M. Lunenberg

    Research output: Book / ReportBookAcademicpeer-review


    The field of education has experienced extraordinary technological, societal, and institutional change in recent years, making it one of the most fascinating yet complex fields of study in social science.

    Unequalled in its combination of authoritative scholarship and comprehensive coverage, International Encyclopedia of Education, Third Edition succeeds two highly successful previous editions (1985, 1994) in aiming to encapsulate research in this vibrant field for the twenty-first century reader. Under development for five years, this work encompasses over 1,000 articles across 24 individual areas of coverage, and is expected to become the dominant resource in the field.

    Education is a multidisciplinary and international field drawing on a wide range of social sciences and humanities disciplines, and this new edition comprehensively matches this diversity. The diverse background and multidisciplinary subject coverage of the Editorial Board ensure a balanced and objective academic framework, with 1,500 contributors representing over 100 countries, capturing a complete portrait of this evolving field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages8400
    ISBN (Print)9780080448947
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Academization
    • Constructivism
    • Diversity
    • Pedagogy of teacher education
    • Research programs
    • School-based teacher education
    • Self-study research
    • Standardization
    • Subject-related research
    • Teacher education
    • Teacher educators


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