Intra- and interspecific comparison of energy flow in north atlantic flatfish species by means of dynamic energy budgets.

H.W. Veer, S.A.L.M. Kooijman, J. van der Meer

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    The quantitative aspects of growth and reproduction in four flatfish species (plaice, flounder, dab, sole) in terms of energy flow are described on the basis of a dynamic energy budget (DEB theory). This theory consists of general assumptions about energy uptake, storage and utilisation and describes an individual by two state variables: structure and reserve, whereby body size exerts its influence through the ratio between surface area and volume. Comparison between model estimates and field data shows that the DEB model successfully describes the energetics of growth and reproduction in a number of flatfish species. Differences between species could be captured in the same model using different parameter values. Intraspecific differences in growth between males and females are mainly caused by differences in maximum surface area-specific ingestion rates. Differences between species are reflected in the surface area-specific maximum ingestion rate, the energy partitioning over growth and reproduction, and in egg volume. According to these parameters at 283 K (10°C), the species could be ranked as follows: surface area-specific maximum ingestion rate (W m
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)303-320
    JournalJournal of sea research
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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