Iterparous reproduction strategies and population dynamics.

B.W. Kooi, T.G. Hallam, F.L.D. Kelpin, C.M. Krohn, S.A.L.M. Kooijman

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Asymptotic relationships between a class of continuous partial differential equation population models and a class of discrete matrix equations are derived for iteroparous populations. First, the governing equations are presented for the dynamics of an individual with juvenile and adult life stages. The organisms reproduce after maturation, as determined by the juvenile period, and at specific equidistant ages, which are determined by the iteroparous reproductive period. A discrete population matrix model is constructed that utilizes the reproductive information and a density-dependent mortality function. Mortality in the period between two reproductive events is assumed to be a continuous process where the death rate for the adults is a function of the number of adults and environmental conditions. The asymptotic dynamic behaviour of the discrete population model is related to the steady-state solution of the continuous-time formulation. Conclusions include that there can be a lack of convergence to the steady-state age distribution in discrete event reproduction models. The iteroparous vital ratio (the ratio between the maximal age and the reproductive period) is fundamental to determining this convergence. When the vital ratio is rational, an equivalent discrete-time model for the population can be derived whose asymptotic dynamics are periodic and when there are a finite number of founder cohorts, the number of cohorts remains finite. When the ratio is an irrational number, effectively there is convergence to the steady-state age distribution. With a finite number of founder cohorts, the number of cohorts becomes countably infinite. The matrix model is useful to clarify numerical results for population models with continuous densities as well as delta measure age distribution. The applicability in ecotoxicology of the population matrix model formulation for iteroparous populations is discussed. © 2001 Society for Mathematical Biology.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)769-794
    JournalBulletin of Mathematical Biology
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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