'Keeping Safe?': An analysis of outcomes of work with sexually exploited young people in Wales

Sophie Hallett, Janna Verbruggen, Kelly Buckley, Amanda Robinson

Research output: Book / ReportReportAcademic


‘Keeping Safe?’ was a three year, empirical, mixed-methods inquiry into child sexual exploitation (CSE). The aim of the study was to conduct an original investigation into the outcomes for children and young people assessed as being ‘at risk’ of sexual exploitation, as well as exploring how best to support young people when responding to CSE and the challenges involved when doing so.
The research presented a unique opportunity to track the outcomes for young people over 10 years, by accessing case files relating to young people who were involved with Children’s Services in Wales in the year 2006, whose cases were all reviewed that year as part of an exercise for developing the Sexual Exploitation
Risk Assessment Framework (SERAF) in Wales.
This was the first instance in the UK in which all children and young people aged
between 9 and 18 years who were involved with Children’s Services across a single local authority, were each assessed for their risk in relation to sexual exploitation.
The research methodology combined thematic case file analysis, and quantitative coding of each case file to create a rich longitudinal dataset for analysis. A substantial part of the research involved qualitative and ethnographic research with young people, practitioners, and foster carers.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCardiff University
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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