Klein forms and the generalized superelliptic equation

Michael A. Bennett*, Sander R. Dahmen

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If F(x; y) 2 Z[x; y] is an irreducible binary form of degree k ≥ 3, then a theorem of Darmon and Granville implies that the generalized superelliptic equation F(x, y) = zl has, given an integer l ≥ max {2, 7 - k}, at most finitely many solutions in coprime integers x; y and z. In this paper, for large classes of forms of degree k = 3; 4; 6 and 12 (including, heuristically, "most" cubic forms), we extend this to prove a like result, where the parameter l is now taken to be variable. In the case of irreducible cubic forms, this provides the first examples where such a conclusion has been proven. The method of proof combines classical invariant theory, modular Galois representations, and properties of elliptic curves with isomorphic mod-n Galois representations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-239
Number of pages69
JournalAnnals of Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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