Large S isotope and trace element fractionations in pyrite of uranium roll front systems result from internally-driven biogeochemical cycle

C. Bonnetti, L. Zhou, T. Riegler, J. Brugger, M. Fairclough

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


© 2020 Elsevier LtdComplex pyrite textures associated with large changes in isotopic and trace element compositions are routinely assumed to be indicative of multi-faceted processes involving multiple fluid and sulfur sources. We propose that the features of ore-stage pyrite from roll front deposits across the world, revealed in exquisite detail via high-resolution trace element mapping by LA-ICP-MS, reflect the dynamic internal evolution of the biogeochemical processes responsible for sulfate reduction, rather than externally driven changes in fluid or sulfur sources through time. Upon percolation of oxidizing fluids into the reduced host-sandstones, roll front systems become self-organized, with a systematic reset of their activity cycle after each translation stage of the redox interface down dip of the aquifer. Dominantly reducing conditions at the redox interface favor the formation of biogenic framboidal pyrite (δ34S from −30.5 to −12.5‰) by bacterial sulfate reduction and the genesis of the U mineralization. As the oxidation front advances, oxidation of reduced sulfur minerals induces an increased supply of sulfate and metals in solution to the bacterial sulfate reduction zone that has similarly advanced down the flow gradient. Hence, this stage is marked by increased rates of the bacterial sulfate reduction associated with the crystallization of variably As-Co-Ni-Mo-enriched concentric pyrite (up to 10,000′s of ppm total trace contents) with moderately negative δ34S values (from −13.7 to −7.5‰). A final stage of pyrite cement with low trace element contents and heavier δ34S signature (from −6.9 to +18.8‰) marks the end of the roll front activity cycle and the transition from an open to a predominantly closed system behavior (negligible advection of fresh sulfate). Blocky pyrite cement is formed using the remaining sulfate, which now becomes quickly heavy according to a Rayleigh isotope fractionation process. This ends the cycle by depleting the nutrient supplies for the sulfate-reducing bacteria and cementing pore spaces within the host sandstone, effectively restricting fluid infiltration. This internally-driven roll front activity cycle results in systematic, large S isotope and trace element fractionation. Ultimately, the long-time evolution of the basin and fluid sources control the metal endowment and evolution of the system; these events, however, are unlikely to be preserved by the roll front, as a direct result of its hydrodynamic nature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-132
JournalGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2020
Externally publishedYes


Funding was provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number: 41750110482 ). We thank Cora McKenna for her kind collaboration during the LA-ICP-MS data acquisition. The authors are grateful to Patrice Bruneton and Peter Woods for their kind support during the data compilation on roll front deposits. The authors are also indebted to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for allowing the use and publication of the international UDEPO database. Finally, the authors would like to thank associate editor Annie Kersting, George Breit and two anonymous reviewers for improving this paper. Funding was provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number: 41750110482). We thank Cora McKenna for her kind collaboration during the LA-ICP-MS data acquisition. The authors are grateful to Patrice Bruneton and Peter Woods for their kind support during the data compilation on roll front deposits. The authors are also indebted to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for allowing the use and publication of the international UDEPO database. Finally, the authors would like to thank associate editor Annie Kersting, George Breit and two anonymous reviewers for improving this paper.

FundersFunder number
National Natural Science Foundation of China41750110482
International Atomic Energy Agency


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