Management of Symptomatic Lumbar Disk Herniation: An International Perspective

Pravesh S. Gadjradj*, Mark P. Arts, Maurits W. van Tulder, Wim J.R. Rietdijk, Wilco C. Peul, Biswadjiet S. Harhangi

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STUDY DESIGN.: A questionnaire survey. OBJECTIVE.: To evaluate the current practice patterns of surgeons regarding both the surgical and nonsurgical management of lumbar disk herniation (LDH) worldwide and to compare this with the current literature. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Sciatica is a common diagnosis in the general population. Sciatica is most frequently caused by LDH. Multiple surgical techniques and treatment modalities are available to treat LDH, albeit some with small effect sizes or without compelling evidence. METHODS.: A survey including questions on the application of physical examination, expectations regarding different surgical and nonsurgical techniques, factors influencing the outcome of surgery was distributed among members of AOSpine International and the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. RESULTS.: 817 surgeons from 89 countries completed the questionnaire. These surgeons perform a total of 62.477 discectomies yearly. Pain medication and steroid injections were expected to be the most effective nonsurgical treatments. The severity of pain and/ or disability and failure of conservative therapy were the most important indications for surgery. A period of 1–2 months of radiculopathy was regarded as a minimum for indicating surgery. Unilateral transflaval discectomy was the procedure of choice among the majority and was expected to be the most effective technique with the lowest complication risk. Surgeons performing more lumbar discectomies, with more clinical experience and those located in Asia, were more likely to offer minimally invasive surgical techniques. CONCLUSION.: This study presents the diversity among the current international practice patterns and the discrepancy between the eminence-based medicine and the evidence-based medicine in the treatment of LDH. Further research should focus on developing international guidelines to reduce practice variety and offer patients the optimal treatment for LDH.Level of Evidence: N/A.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1826-1834
Number of pages9
Issue number23
Early online date1 Dec 2017
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


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