Meaning in organizational networks: From social to digital and back

C. Moser, P. Groenewegen, J.E. Ferguson

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In this essay, we argue that understanding of meaning in relation to organizational networks warrants a more prominent place in organizational theorizing, because it fulfils a distinct role in the emergence and evolution of networks. Whereas prior studies have tended to address network structures or narrative structures, we suggest that organizational processes might be better understood when addressing the role of meaning and network structures simultaneously. We explain the implications of our argument in an online context, given the growing significance of digitally enabled networks on organizational sociality, and draw on examples in the context of organizational knowledge sharing to support our argument. We conclude by introducing a communication flow model to support the further development of research on organizational meaning networks.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-229
Number of pages19
JournalResearch in the Sociology of Organizations
Early online date26 Sept 2017
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017

VU Research Profile

  • Connected World


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