Measurements of rain splash on bench terraces in a humid tropical steepland environment.

A.I.J.M. van Dijk, L.A. Bruijnzeel, S.E. Wiegman

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Soil loss continues to threaten Java's predominantly bench-terraced volcanic uplands. Sediment transport processes on back-sloping terraces with well-aggregated clay-rich oxisols in West Java were studied using two different techniques. Splash on bare, cropped, or mulched sub-horizontal (2-3°) terrace beds was studied using splash cups of different sizes, whereas transport of sediment on the predominantly bare and steep (30-40°) terrace risers was measured using a novel device combining a Gerlach-type trough with a splash box to enable the separate measurement of transport by wash and splash processes. Measurements were made during two consecutive rainy seasons. The results were interpreted using a recently developed splash distribution theory and related to effective rainfall erosive energy. Splash transportability (i.e. transport per unit contour length and unit erosive energy) on the terrace risers was more than an order of magnitude greater than on bare terrace beds (0.39-0.57 versus 0.013-0.016 g m J
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)513-525
    Number of pages12
    JournalHydrological Processes
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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