Metal pollution and the functioning of ecosystems. Bioavailability and effects of heavy metals on the structure and functioning of detritivores in former floodplain soils in the Biesbosch, the Netherlands.

P.H.F. Hobbelen

    Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Awarding Institution
    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    • van Straalen, Nico, Supervisor
    • Kooijman, Bas, Supervisor
    • van Gestel, Kees, Co-supervisor
    Award date20 Sept 2005
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

    Bibliographical note

    Naam instelling promotie: VU Vrije Universiteit
    Naam instelling onderzoek: VU Vrije Universiteit

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