Micro-flow size-exclusion chromatography for enhanced native mass spectrometry of proteins and protein complexes

Iro K. Ventouri*, Sharene Veelders, Marta Passamonti, Patrick Endres, Regina Roemling, Peter J. Schoenmakers, Govert W. Somsen, Rob Haselberg, Andrea F.G. Gargano*

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Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) employing aqueous mobile phases with volatile salts at neutral pH combined with native mass spectrometry (nMS) is a valuable tool to characterize proteins and protein aggregates in their native state. However, the liquid-phase conditions (high salt concentrations) frequently used in SEC-nMS hinder the analysis of labile protein complexes in the gas phase, necessitating higher desolvation-gas flow and source temperature, leading to protein fragmentation/dissociation. To overcome this issue, we investigated narrow SEC columns (1.0 mm internal diameter, I.D.) operated at 15-μL/min flow rates and their coupling to nMS for the characterization of proteins, protein complexes and higher-order structures (HOS). The reduced flow rate resulted in a significant increase in the protein-ionization efficiency, facilitating the detection of low-abundant impurities and HOS up to 230 kDa (i.e., the upper limit of the Orbitrap-MS instrument used). More-efficient solvent evaporation and lower desolvation energies allowed for softer ionization conditions (e.g., lower gas temperatures), ensuring little or no structural alterations of proteins and their HOS during transfer into the gas phase. Furthermore, ionization suppression by eluent salts was decreased, permitting the use of volatile-salt concentrations up to 400 mM. Band broadening and loss of resolution resulting from the introduction of injection volumes exceeding 3% of the column volume could be circumvented by incorporating an online trap-column containing a mixed-bed ion-exchange (IEX) material. The online IEX-based solid-phase extraction (SPE) or “trap-and-elute” set-up provided on-column focusing (sample preconcentration). This allowed the injection of large sample volumes on the 1-mm I.D. SEC column without compromising the separation. The enhanced sensitivity attained by the micro-flow SEC-MS, along with the on-column focusing achieved by the IEX precolumn, provided picogram detection limits for proteins.

Original languageEnglish
Article number341324
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalAnalytica Chimica Acta
Early online date3 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jul 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Iro K. Ventouri acknowledges the HOSAna project, which is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) in the framework of the Programmatic Technology Area PTA-COAST4 of the Fund New Chemical Innovations (project nr. 053.21.117 ). Dr. Andrea Krumm is also acknowledged for her valuable insights and support with provision of resources.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023


  • Hyphenation
  • Low-flow chromatography
  • Native mass spectrometry
  • Protein characterization
  • Size-exclusion chromatography
  • Trap and elute


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