Micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities to facilitate university technology transfer

Zhongxuan Ma*, K. D. Augustijn, I. J.P. De Esch, B. A.G. Bossink

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Within the university-industry ecosystem, improvement and innovation of technology transfer involve implementing appropriate dynamic capabilities. To answer the question-What are the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities in university technology transfer?-this study investigates in-depth organizational-level dynamic capabilities in transferring university- based knowledge to business and society. Two qualitative case studies were deployed at organizational entities at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: the Industry Alliance Office, and the Demonstrator Lab. These two organizations stimulate science- and business-oriented university technology transfer. In this context, the micro-foundations of the dynamic capabilities "sensing", "seizing"and "reconfiguring"are identified and discussed. For "sensing", which is the university's ability to explore the opportunities in the ecosystem, the micro-foundations are "selecting internal competency"and "sensing external partners". For "seizing", which supports universities in managing complementarity with industry and society, microfoundations include "resource co-allocation"and "collaborative business model". The microfoundations of "reconfiguring", through which universities maintain evolutionary fitness in the innovation ecosystem, are "strategic renewal", "establishing a university technology transfer-friendly environment", and "asset orchestration". This study provides researchers with a better understanding of how dynamic capabilities facilitate university technology transfer. Industrial practitioners and policymakers can consider the suggestions of the present study when pursuing collaboration with universities.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0283777
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number3
Early online date20 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Ma et al.


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