Modeling Decentralized Organizational Change in Honeybee Societies

Mark Hoogendoorn, Martijn Schut, Jan Treur

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Multi-agent organizations in dynamic environments, need to have the ability to adapt to environmental changes to ensure a continuation of proper functioning. Such adaptations can be made through a centralized decision process or come from the individuals within the organization. In the domain of social insects, such as honeybees and wasps, organizations are known to adapt in a decentralized fashion to environmental changes. An organizational model for decentralized organizational change is presented that can aid in analyzing and designing such organizations. The model is specified by dynamic properties at different aggregation levels. At the lowest level such properties characterize the behavior of individual roles, which can be related to higher level properties that express important elements such as survival of an organization. A honeybee colony is used as a case study.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)615-624
JournalAdvances in Artificial Life
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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