Nexus governance for transformative change: Technical report of the Transform 2030 data set

Research output: Book / ReportReportAcademic

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to adress interconnected global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and poverty reduction. Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) - including public, private and civil society organizations - play an important role in implementing the 2030 Agenda (see SDG 17 on Partnerships for the goals) and might offer a vehicle for creating synergies between issue areas and thus bring about transformative change. This technical report maps and analyzes a sample of existing and recently concluded transnational MSPs with the potential to address multiple SDGs simultaneously. It provides a detailed description of the background, methodology, and key observations from building a data set of MSPs that work on two or more SDGs, serving as an empirical basis for the multi-year project Transformative partnerships for sustainable development: Assessing synergies, effectiveness, and legitimacy of the UN’s multi-stakeholder partnerships across SDGs to achieve the 2030 Agenda (Funded by Formas under grant number 2020-00418).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages53
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 2023


  • Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
  • Multi-stakeholder partnerships
  • Global governance
  • Nexus governance


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