Novel, Moon and Mars, partial gravity simulation paradigms and their effects on the balance between cell growth and cell proliferation during early plant development

A. Manzano, R. Herranz, L.A. den Toom, S. te Slaa, G. Borst, M. Visser, F.J. Medina, J.J.W.A. van Loon

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Clinostats and Random Positioning Machine (RPM) are used to simulate microgravity, but, for space exploration, we need to know the response of living systems to fractional levels of gravity (partial gravity) as they exist on Moon and Mars. We have developed and compared two different paradigms to simulate partial gravity using the RPM, one by implementing a centrifuge on the RPM (RPMHW), the other by applying specific software protocols to driving the RPM motors (RPMSW). The effects of the simulated partial gravity were tested in plant root meristematic cells, a system with known response to real and simulated microgravity. Seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana were germinated under simulated Moon (0.17 g) and Mars (0.38 g) gravity. In parallel, seeds germinated under simulated microgravity (RPM), or at 1 g control conditions. Fixed root meristematic cells from 4-day grown seedlings were analyzed for cell proliferation rate and rate of ribosome biogenesis using morphometrical methods and molecular markers of the regulation of cell cycle and nucleolar activity. Cell proliferation appeared increased and cell growth was depleted under Moon gravity, compared with the 1 g control. The effects were even higher at the Moon level than at simulated microgravity, indicating that meristematic competence (balance between cell growth and proliferation) is also affected at this gravity level. However, the results at the simulated Mars level were close to the 1 g static control. This suggests that the threshold for sensing and responding to gravity alteration in the root would be at a level intermediate between Moon and Mars gravity. Both partial g simulation strategies seem valid and show similar results at Moon g-levels, but further research is needed, in spaceflight and simulation facilities, especially around and beyond Mars g levels to better understand more precisely the differences and constrains in the use of these facilities for the space biology community.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9
Number of pages11
JournalNPJ Microgravity
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


We would like to thank TEC-MMG LIS Lab, especially Mr. Alan Dowson for his support during the study, Dr. Julio Sáez-Vásquez (CNRS-University of Perpignan/Via Domitia, France) for the generous supply of nucleolin mutants and anti-nucleolin antibodies, Dr. Eugénie Carnero-Diaz (UPMC, Paris, France) for the generous supply of the CYCB1:: GUS line and the skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Mercedes Carnota (CIB-CSIC) with different lab procedures. Funding: for [JvL]: Grant ALW-GO-MG/10-07 from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific (NWO) Research Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) via the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and the ESA contract 4000107455/12/NL/PA. For [FJM]: Grant ESP2015-64323-R from the Spanish National Plan for Research and Development (MINECO-ERDF co-funding). For [RH]: ESA-ELIPS Program ESA GIA Project, contract number 4000105761. [AM] was recipient of a fellowship of the Spanish National Program for Young Researchers Training (MINECO, Ref. BES-2013-063933).

FundersFunder number
ESA GIA4000105761
Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Netherlands Space Office
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekALW-GO-MG/10-07
Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadBES-2013-063933
Ecological Society of Australia4000107455/12/NL/PA, ESP2015-64323-R
Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation


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